Monday, September 19, 2011

3D NUTT Light Kit

The 3D Nutt Light Kit  is finally here after all the anticipation. Haha, who am i kidding a lot of you don't even know this website. The light kit was designed to compliment reflective material specially. It works great with non reflective materials but reflective material is one of the strong points of this light kit. This was made natively on cinema 4d R12  but it should run fine on R11 and R13. The light kit uses "Xpresso" to control the brightness and color of the lighting system. 1 slide controls the whole light system. The controller was made as simple as possible so, it only has a color controller, a brightness controller and an on and off switch. Oh yeah i forgot to mention, that this light kit is 100% Free. 



  1. great tutorial, but file don't exist :(

    1. wow... sorry i just read your comment! .... im on it
